The second annual convention of Process Net, the common platform of the DECHEMA and the VDI-GVC, takes place from 7th to 9th October 2008 in the congress center Karlsruhe. The industrial associations present their topic spectrum - from the chemical reaction technology over the fluid dynamics and separation technology, the process and equipment technology and the particle technology up to the raw material and energy efficiency - in overview and specialized technical lectures as well as an accompanying exhibition of companies from the ranges of the chemical technology and process engineering.
The prelude of the meeting forms a commemorative address of professor Alexander Marian Bradshaw of the MPI for plasma physics in Garching to the topic „ Kernfusion: Klimaretter oder Utopie". Further lectures will deal with the material use of biomass, the future of nanotechnology and resource- and energy-efficiency of processes.
For new generation scientists the opportunity is offered to receive information over the occupation entrance as chemists or process engineers with the two-day student and graduate student program. Likewise of „the new generation“ is aligned the ChemCar competition organized by the “kreative jungen Verfahrensingenieuren” (kjVIs), which proved in the past years already as a public magnet.
Source: idw