Calculated projects are stored in the dashboard of Conti Professional, customers can thus access the stored data at any time © ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH
Since the second quarter of 2016, ContiTech offers its customers a new software for the design of drives with two or more pulleys. “The application is web-based and can be accessed through a browser, an installation on one’s own computer and updates are no longer necessary,” explains Marcel Vogel, application engineer and technical writer at the ContiTech Power Transmission Group. The new software Conti Professional thus replaces the previous Conti Suite.
After a one-time registration, customers can enjoy the full functionality known to date in the new software as well.
“We map our entire product range including polyurethane belts as well as the drive belts Falcon Pd and SilentSync. Moreover, different functionalities previously known as Transmission Designer and Drive alive are combined in one application in order to make the software more efficient and easier to use for our customers. Advanced features, such as an energy efficiency tool and a cost calculator, will follow in later versions,” explains Vogel.
Further advantages: the number of pulleys can be chosen freely between 2 to 20, calculated projects are stored in the software. Users can therefore access their stored data at any time.
The use of Conti Professional is free of charge, the application can be accessed at
Source: ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH