

W2E and NuPower realise their first GL 2010 certificate

In 2012 the wind turbine developer W2E realised successfully the type certificate in compliance with GL 2010 for the 2.0 MW wind technology as the first company worldwide. According to statements of our Indian licensee this very turbine technology is already been listed and published in the C-WET/RLMM listing of certificates. The developed 2.0 MW technology is recorded as the first wind turbine technology in accordance with GL 2010 for the Indian market.

The edition 2010 of the GL guideline requires higher demands on loads and proofs for structural components as well as the strict implementation of Functional Safety of a machine.

The certificate was issued for a 2.0 MW wind turbine with a rotor diameter of 93 m and tubular towers with hub heights of 85 m and 100 m. The certificate allows the turbine technology to be erected and operated in wind class IEC 2a areas.

W2E licensees mainly act on the international wind market. They have the opportunity to obtain besides the technical documentation all necessary certifications and get access to the supply industry in the form of cooperation. As a result of this a fast market entry is ideally prepared from a design and development point of view.

Source: W2E Wind To Energy GmbH