We look forward to seeing you in Düsseldorf in April. Today, we’re sending you industry news all about innovations and trends.
In April, Hall 1 will feature the Plastic Tubes & Pipes Area for the first time ever. An international team will present finished products and applications in the fields of plastic pipes and tubes, new technologies and sustainability in a special exhibition at booth C35.
Find out more about developments and progress in the plastics industry as well as innovative pipe connection technologies. Tube will be focusing on efficiency and sustainability in the industry, so visit our website to learn about these topics and prepare for the trade fair.
For more information on the Plastic Tubes & Pipes Area at Tube 2024, click below. This area will offer insights into cutting-edge developments and technologies in the field of plastic tubes and pipe connections.
Never miss breaking news again and stay up to date by following us on Facebook and LinkedIn to stay informed on current developments and to benefit from relevant industry information.
Tickets to Tube 2024
Get your ticket for Tube 2024 now. Be there when industry leaders introduce their innovative products and solutions. Seize the opportunity to make important contacts and expand your network.
Board of Managing Directors:
Wolfram N. Diener (Chairman), Marius Berlemann, Bernhard J. Stempfle
Chairman of Supervisory Board:
Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller
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