, Have you already blocked the future? On 20 June, Tube and wire start in Düsseldorf. Every two years, the two leading world trade fairs are the highlight of the wire, cable, tube and tube processing industry: Platform for progress, springboard for business. Those who, like you, are decision-makers or experts should be present at the most important show of the industries. What are the latest developments in machines, technologies, products and processes? Here, you will meet the world market leaders and pioneers! What are the current answers in digitalisation and smart manufacturing, from AI to robotics? This is where you can experience the trends - and those who set them! Innovations at Tube: Pioneering plants for tube production and processing; digital trading platforms for tubes and pipelines; the latest in OCTG technology. The future begins in a few weeks. It would be best that you already book today. We are looking forward to you! The Tube team