{salutation}, Herewith we gladly confirm the receipt of your official application for Tube 2022 International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair 20 - 24 June 2022, Düsseldorf Unfortunately we received your application after the official registration deadline, 30 June 2021. At the moment we are not able to send you a stand proposal for Tube 2022 because the halls are fully booked. Due to this, we have to put your company on our waiting list. If there is a possibility to offer you some space - due to cancellation, space reduction or movement - we will inform you immediately. Yours sincerely, - Sarah Liehsem - {ZB begin} P.S. For further information, you may also contact our representative in your country: {ZB_FIRMENNAME1} Tel.: {ZB_CPTEL} Mail: {ZB_CPEMAIL} {ZB end} {AU_AUFTRAGNR} ##Typ=Anmeldebestaetigung {AU_AUFTRAGSART}## ##Messenummer=1{CUSTOM_MESSENUMMER}## ##Auftragsnummer={AU_AUFTRAGNR}## ##Kundennummer={AU_KUNNR}## ##KundenEMail={Y2_CPEMAIL}## ##Sprache={AU_SPRACHE}## ##AdressId={Y2_ADRESSIDCRM}## ##KontaktpersonenID={Y2_CPIDCRM}## ##Kampagnentitel=AnmeldebestaetigungTube2022## ##Gruppe=10156## ##Status=erledigt##